Our Sustainability Strategy

PPL has established a comprehensive sustainability strategy that integrates sustainability principles into all aspects of its operations and decision-making processes. Central to this strategy are four strategic pillars and 12 key sustainability focus areas addressing 28 material topics, supported by over 50 specific, time-bound targets aimed at achieving significant progress in the near to medium term.

Our Sustainability Purpose

‘Operating Responsibly. Growing Sustainably.’

Leadership Message

“This year has been a testament to our resolve to operate responsibly while fostering resilience in the face of evolving global challenges. We have made significant strides in advancing our sustainability goals. Our initiatives span energy efficiency, water management, waste management, fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, and community development.”

Nandini Piramal

Leadership Message

“We strongly partner and practice sustainable procurement and operations promoting trust, transparency, human rights, ethical code of conduct among our value chain governed by our Sustainable Procurement Policy.“

Peter DeYoung
CEO, Global Pharma

To become a globally leading integrated pharmaceutical company, operating on the principles of sustainability, inclusivity, and ethics.

Business Resilience

We are committed to strengthening business resilience through strong governance, ethical practices, and responsible supply chains. Our focus includes increasing independent directorship, women in leadership, workforce training, and advancing sustainability goals aligned with multiple UN SDGs.

Focus Areas

Corporate Governance

At PPL, good governance signifies a commitment to ethics, integrity, accountability and transparency across all business operations.

Business Ethics and Compliance

Compliance management at PPL is built on a framework that emphasises strict adherence to rules and regulations while maintaining the highest standards across its facilities and among business partners.

Responsible Supply Chain

PPL acknowledges the critical importance of a resilient supply chain in delivering consistent service and adapting to unforeseen challenges while upholding high-quality standards.


Women Representation on Board


Cases of Data Breaches


Of Critical Suppliers Assessed on Sustainability Criteria


Independent Directors on Board


Women in Senior Leadership Roles


Workforce Trained on Code of Conduct


Of Suppliers by Value Targeted for the Supplier Capacity-Building Programme by FY 2025

Quality & Excellence

Our focus is to drive operational excellence, advancing technology and automation, and ensuring product excellence through key initiatives including MIS digitalisation, enhanced technology adoption, improved product quality, and maintaining exceptional regulatory and pharmacovigilance standards.

Focus Areas

Product Excellence

PPL strives for product excellence by integrating stringent quality standards, innovative practices, and a deep commitment to customer satisfaction.

Technology and Automation

PPL’s advancement in technology and automation plays a crucial role in enhancing operational efficiency, effectiveness, and safety.

Operational Excellence

PPL adheres to stringent process and product quality standards, utilising digitisation to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and safety.


Successful Regulatory Inspections in FY 2023-24


Successful USFDA Inspections in FY 2023-24


Automation of 6 Major OE KPIs across 11 PPS Sites


Customer Audits in FY 2023 -24


Official Action Indicated (OAIs) Since 2011

Responsible Operations

Our focus is on climate change, energy, water, and waste management and drive key initiatives to enhance energy efficiency, reduce emissions, promote afforestation, conserve water, and improve waste management across global sites.

Focus Areas

Energy Management

Our objective is to optimise the use of energy resources to achieve efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Climate Change Management

We recognise our significant role in protecting the environment and combating climate change.

Water Stewardship and Waste Management

We acknowledge the critical importance of water conservation and strive to lead in sustainable water management practices.


Reduction in Scope 1 & 2 Emissions Compared to Base Year


Increase in Renewable Energy Consumption

2,39,831 KL

Total Water Savings During FY 2023 - 24


Hazardous Waste to Landfill


Saplings Planted

Stakeholder Centricity

We aim to strengthen human capital management, prioritise customer-centricity, and expand community development efforts through key initiatives including advancing diversity, employee safety, customer satisfaction, and empowering local communities through targeted programmes.

Focus Areas

Human Capital Management and Safety

We recognise that our commitment to sustainability extends beyond environmental stewardship to encompass social responsibility.

Customer Centricity

We are committed to embedding customer-centricity across our diverse business operations, ensuring that the needs and well being of our customers are at the forefront of our strategic initiatives.

Community Development

The Piramal Foundation, the philanthropic branch of the Piramal Group, chiefly executes PPL’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The foundation intends to address India’s most challenging issues through innovation and partnership.


Of the Global Workforce are Women


Employees Covered under ESG Training


PPS Customer Satisfaction Score


Ecovadis Score with 60th Percentile


Employee Engagement Score for PPL


Hours Safety Training per Employee

Piramal Pharma Limited Sustainability Report 2023-24